The average house price on CHURCH HILL RISE is £415,474
The most expensive house in the street is 2 CHURCH HILL RISE with an estimated value of £463,410
The cheapest house in the street is 5 CHURCH HILL RISE with an estimated value of £387,916
The house which was most recently sold was 1 CHURCH HILL RISE, this sold on 24 May 2019 for £312,500
The postcode for CHURCH HILL RISE is LS25 6FH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CHURCH HILL RISE Semi-Detached £389,152 £312,500 24 May 2019
2 CHURCH HILL RISE Semi-Detached £463,410 £250,000 30 Jun 2009
2 CHURCH HILL RISE Semi-Detached £463,410 £250,000 30 Jun 2009
3 CHURCH HILL RISE Semi-Detached £411,472 £310,000 21 Nov 2016
4 CHURCH HILL RISE Semi-Detached £398,739 £320,000 16 Aug 2018
5 CHURCH HILL RISE Detached £387,916 £237,000 6 Nov 2013
6 CHURCH HILL RISE Detached £394,224 £245,000 17 Jan 2014